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Tag: NFR

Sports Fanatic

Sports Fanatic

Since we are in the middle of March Madness, I thought I’d talk a little bit about Sports Fanatics. You know the person, the one that watches their team or any team play every game, listens to it on the radio or smartphone. The one that has to wear the correct sports gear and reads all the sports commentary they can find online. They also watch sports commentary shows and follow as many individual team players as they can find…

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NFR 2022

NFR 2022

Typically, I’m pretty much in charge of planning where we go on vacation, the sites we see and the activities we participate in. There are two exceptions, The Louisville Livestock show and the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in Las Vegas; those two are non-negotiable. So we were off on the big bird to LAS. Day 1 – Right off the bat there was drama. A snowstorm in our Minneapolis connecting flight had us worried but after forty-five minutes of de-icing…

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