Another Call

Another Call

Sometimes you get to the point where you hate to answer the phone. Someone raising money, and another to sell you something. But the call Suzanne is really tired of is from a friend or family member who says they have cancer.

That call came in again this week from Suzanne’s oldest and dearest Cissna Park friend. This friend accepted her into her life when Suzanne was new to the community; shared her family with ours; traveled to quilting events together; cried as they each lost parents; and was one of Suzanne’s biggest prayer warriors when she was struggling.

Now her fate rests in the hands of doctors, nurses, specialists, and countless others. Each tries to apply the skills and knowledge they have to cure this special person. But Suzanne will tell you, it takes more than just doctors, it also takes that special touch from a power greater than we can understand.

Suzanne believes that there were more hands in her operating room than just Dr. A’s. Someone was guiding his hands through that fourteen-hour tedious and intense procedure, and it’s those hands we need to call upon again to help save Suzanne’s friend

So in the coming days, weeks, and months, whenever you bow your head and give thanks for all the greatness around you, drop the hint to the one you are talking with that Suzanne’s friend could use a little extra healing touch.

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones

Proverbs 12:18

6 thoughts on “Another Call

  1. Continued prayers for Suzanne, and prayers for her friend.
    We love reading your updates John. Warmest wishes and blessings for the Holiday season.

  2. Absolutely beautifully said! We never know when a friend becomes closer than a brother/sister! God works in mysterious ways and always wants what’s best for us.

    Prayers continue for all who have a part in this journey of HOPE and FAITH…

  3. Sorry to hear someone very special to you guys is starting their journey down that cancer road. I will be praying for that someone special🙏🏻🙏🏻

  4. Amen we will surely join in prayer.
    Prayers for both Suzanne and your sweet friend.🙏🙏
    And family.

  5. It has been almost 23 years since I was in the position of needing prayers because of cancer! They have made tremendous strides in treating and curing this beast since then but their is still only One in control of all! Prayers that God will be merciful and grant success in treatment! 🙏❤️🙏

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