The Trifecta

The Trifecta

A weekend ago, actually a couple of days after the great fall, we traveled to Louisville. KY for the North American International Livestock Exposition. This is the trifecta of events for Suzanne as it includes Rodeo, Daft Horses, and western shopping.

We arrived on Thursday as we had tickets for that evening’s performance of the Professional Rodeo Association Great Lakes Regional Finals. This is the last big rodeo event in the area before the big show in Las Vegas, the National Finals Rodeo ( NFR ) in December.

Our seats that evening had a walkway just in front of us. The evening started with a gentleman (I use that term lightly) standing in front of us during the opening ceremonies & National Anthem. It seams that the two of him couldn’t figure out which seat was his. As the show continued, it became very obvious that more attendees were there for the overpriced food than to watch the rodeo. Inevitably, every time the shoot opened or a rider was active, someone would be walking by. So. . . . can we just make a rule that once the show starts, everyone should remain seated until intermission or the show is over?

Friday morning was shopping day. We walked and walked, visiting boutiques, jewelry, and equipment booths. Suzanne is always looking for that one article that makes her presence at horse events perfect. Unfortunately, this trip proved fruitless for her, I was the only one who made a purchase all morning, a new vest.

The draft horse show was Friday and Saturday during which the Hitch classes are about two-thirds of the time. I learned at this show that Her judging skills have reached new heights to the level of a prognosticator. When I asked what class was next, she answered the question and then commented “There are only two teams in that class and I already have it judged”. I continue to be amazed by her unusual talents.

Saturday we awoke to a couple of inches of snow on the car, crazy for Louisville this time of year. We watched draft horses all day until the last six-horse hitch left the arena. It was nice to get away after the experiences of the week before. Resilient seems to be Suzanne’s middle name.

Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you.

1 Corinthians 11:2

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