Suzanne’s Nightmare
When I woke up the other morning and rolled over to see if Suzanne was awake, I was greeted with 2 very wide-open eyes and the words ‘I got to tell you my dream’ At that point, what she described was a nightmare, and she remembered it in pretty good detail.
I was in the operating room but I’m not quite sure why. Then I heard someone talking about getting out the paddles, someone else saying charging, the Dr. yelling ‘Clear’. When all of a sudden, someone burst into the operating room and yelled ‘Stop’. Then this person asked where you were? They proceeded to explain that you needed to go pre-pay this treatment up in the billing department on the 10th floor of the other building before they could re-start my heart!
We both laughed and laughed.
Events surrounding the billing nightmare we both experienced dealing with Rush, MediShare, and our payment service left an indelible mark on us both, and evidently Suzanne’s psyche as well. Our Medishare payment contact indicated that they have only run into this situation one other time where there was a hospital that would not accept payments from anyone other than the patient themselves. Fortunately for us, we believe this is all pretty much behind us, and Suzanne’s brain can now focus on other matters at hand.
You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day
Psalm 91:5
One thought on “Suzanne’s Nightmare”
Glad that night mare is out of the way and you were abl to laugh 🙏🙏