To Medi-Share or not to Medi-Share

To Medi-Share or not to Medi-Share

When health insuance changed back in the mid 20-teens, Suzanne & I chose to move to Medi-Sharel, the christian health care expense sharing organization. Watching how it worked in the life of our nephew was a main factor but also that all the local medical organizaitons around us worked with this group. It was an easy decision.

Now we find that the Rush Medical Group does not participate with Medi-Share. Rush is going to consider us a ‘Cash’ customer and many or our apointments & treatments will need to be paid in advance. PAID IN ADVANCE…. are you kidding me????

Trying to get a definitive answer from Medi-Share that my bills will be paid is like pulling teeth. I have talked with a number of different reperesentatives and the best I can get is a firm maybe.

Our first test of how / if this will all work is the Pet Scan on Friday. I had to pre-pay for the scan before they would schedule it. Then wait for the bill to be genereated; submit that to Medi-Share for “consideration”; and wait the 30 days for them to make a determination on just that bill.

No stress on my end, UGH!

Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

Proverbs 12:25

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