Landlord’s Again

Landlord’s Again

Back when Suszanne owned the Du-All building in Cissna Park, we were landlords. We had three apartments above the Quilt Shop that had tenants most of the time. Some tenants were needy, some were easy to get along with, some were problematic, and some were just what a landlord wants, paid on time, and never heard from. We didn’t mind being landlords as it added cash flow to the business and utilized the property we had.

This year, we (actually, mostly I) decided to give it a try again. I purchased a 6-unit property that I thought I could handle. I worked for a number of days to get the place all ready for our first tenants. I cleaned it all up, made sure the doorways were working properly, and even furnished the bedrooms to make them more attractive to first-time tenants.

Finding those tenants was a little more difficult than I expected. Someone told me to try playing music when they stop by so I even gave that a try. I had a number of potentials take a look at the place, but most just to moved on. Finally, I had a good prospect, Steve. He came by the place all by himself one day and even came by the next day to look again, but unfortunately, he left.

It was about three weeks later when Steve showed up again with his partner. He also brought some friends and between them all, we filled four of the six units we had. I was a pretty happy landlord! Then, it wasn’t more than a week later when some rif-raff showed up and wanted the other two units. I closed the doors to let them know, they just weren’t welcome.

Steve and the group were pretty friendly but sometimes, they were just plain noisy. Mornings were especially troublesome as the whole group would all gather out on the porch and just chatter away at each other and anyone passing by. Evenings were also a concern as they would race around the neighborhood chasing each other, yelling, and carrying on.

What I didn’t know about them was when they moved in, all the female tenants were expecting. What a surprise when all those bundles of joy showed up. All those little voices just added to the chaos around the place which got me a little concerned about the neighborhood. It was fun though, watching the little ones learn, grow, and spread their wings so to speak.

This week, we went to the State Fair for a couple of days to watch the Draft Hores show. When we got back, all our tenants were gone; doors left open and rooms a mess. I really thought that I had made a connection with these tenants but them leaving like that was a little disappointing, not even a goodbye.

So, now I’m stuck with the job of cleaning the place up and getting it ready for new tenants. There is a good chance that Steve and some of his friends will be back, as well as some of the kids, all twelve of them. You see, once Purple Martins find a home they like they return the next year when they migrate back from South America.

We have been feeding birds at our house for years. This year, we chose to be Purple Martin landlords. Caring for God’s creatures seems to be what we should do, and we learned that Purple Martins wouldn’t survive without the help of humans. So, despite their lack of social etiquette, not saying good-by or even a thanks, we look forward to expanding the complex next summer.

Beside them, the birds of the heavens dwell; they sing among the branches.

Psalm 104:12

One thought on “Landlord’s Again

  1. Boy, you sure had me going on that one, John! Proving once again that you certainly have a knack as a good writer. Keep up the good work.

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