The Heart of a Man

The Heart of a Man

Today we learned of the passing of a friend, a friend who was one of my first acquaintances when I moved to the area; a friend that lived only about three miles from us as the crow flies, a friend who ironically has been on the same journey as Suzanne during almost the same time period, a friend who’s death hits pretty close to home.

My first memory of him was when I was volunteered by my father-in-law to do some spring fieldwork ahead of him on the planter. His voice was distinct and his laugh unique. I can hear him making fun of me as I drove for hours up and down his field on his open air tractor; heading south with my cap facing forward to shade my eyes; then heading north with the bill of my cap turned around to shade the back of this city kids sunburnt neck.

Our daughters were both born just days apart and I have always followed his, as a benchmark of where my daughter might be at this point in her life.

I can’t tell you the number of times that he bailed me out of a jam, mostly with my planter as he was somewhat of an expert on that old piece of equipment. I called him when the monitor didn’t work, when the drive shaft needed replacing, the markers wouldn’t come down. Let’s just say, I had him on speed dial.

It’s very cliche to say to someone “I know what you’re going through,” but his wife and I could actually share those thoughts. Although Suzanne’s and his cancers were not exactly the same, they both dealt the similar issues of swallowing and weight loss. Both seemed to be doing exceptionally well at this point after surgery.

My heart and love go to his wife and family who were not prepared for this day, we never are. I too will miss this friend. Thirty-nine years is a long time for memories to accumulate.

As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.

Proverbs 27:19


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