PATHway 15

PATHway 15

A balmy -10 degrees when we pulled out of the garage this morning, but it was time to go and wasn’t going to get any warmer. Traffic was unusually bad when we hit the I-94 interchange and didn’t let up all the way to downtown. Passed a couple of stalled drivers and there seemed like there were more cars than normal, assuming that people avoided outdoor mass transit.

After bloodwork, her only doctor visit was with her surgeon. I’m guessing his word of the day was ‘Amazing’ and I wish I would have counted how many times he used it. We haven’t seen him for a couple of months and he was more than happy with where Suzanne was in her recovery. He told her that she could have her feeding tube removed anytime, music to her ears. He also shared that he wished more of his patients had the same drive to succeed that Suzanne has and also acknowledged that I was always around to provide her needed support.

I asked Dr. A. if he learned anything from Suzanne’s case, which he said he did. His specialty is HPV-type throat cancers, which Suzanne’s was not, so watching her progress affirmed his decisions on how to treat similar cases which he has now had. You could tell that he is still concerned about her cancer returning but also optimistically said “in a couple of years we will have to so a story about your success”.

As usual, we had to sit and wait about an hour for her PATHway Infusion, which went without a hitch; back on the road by 1:00, home by 3:00. With four more infusions left in this PATHway trial, we are bearing down on the one-year anniversary of her surgery which seems to be a milestone for her Doctors, a milestone we will be happy to cross.

For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.

1 Peter 2:21

One thought on “PATHway 15

  1. Congratulations on sharing Suzanne’s “Amazing” Dr visit today, John! The “getting there” doesn’t sound like much fun but trip was well worth it to hear that the feeding tube can be removed! So that will be a “close to home” trips right?

    Didn’t you, so much, want to tell him “God has provided Suzanne’s Drs w/wisdom & our Prayers & prayers of others has provided strength, encouragement, perseverance & wisdom also”?!!! You two have faced this challenge so positive together; with God by your side the entire way! That is what an “Amazing” Marriage is made of!
    Thanks for keeping in touch ❤️🙏🏻😇

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