No Meds Monday
A ‘Happy Dance’ today as this is the first day since last October that Suzanne is pain med free. Getting her off the narcotic meds has been a goal of her doctors as well as mine, and it’s been a journey
When she first started, the pain was minimal and so were her meds. As time went on and the destruction that took place due to the radiation caused her pain to increase, so did her meds.
At home, she stayed at the same level for quite some time, and eventually, in the first part of January things started to change as healing progressed. She worked her way through a couple of bouts of infection pain with increases and decreases in the meds that finally got us to last week’s biopsy.
On the verge of stopping just before the procedure, we maintained a level that would sustain her through that surgery. A bump up for a couple of days and back down the slide she went till we reached this morning.
Since her meds were a narcotic, she couldn’t just stop taking them. Increases were easy, but the decreases had to be dealt with in small changes downward to prevent withdrawal symptoms.
Now, almost pain-free, she is no longer on the narcotics. Her mind seems brighter, her energy level seems better and she continues to drink more and speak with more clarity.
Next up, she ventures back on Thursday to meet with the surgeon that did the biopsy to discuss the results and her future options for life.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Romans 8:18