Just one more

Just one more

On Sunday we were surrounded physically and remotely with our many wonderful friends and family. That day Suzanne & I were at our local church, prayed, sang, and read a little from the bible, all with the hope that God will place his healing hand on her.

I shared with those in attendance that praying aloud was not my forte, not in my wheelhouse, just not something I’m comfortable with. I do it all the time; every meal Suzanne & I share; family gatherings when one is needed, even in church when I’m asked to; but generally, I don’t feel comfortable praying aloud.

When I pray, words don’t often flow the way I want them too, my mind doesn’t work fast enough to put it all together and make it sound right, and my knowledge of the bible is limited and my belief system may be a little different which makes me hesitant.

All in all, I have to write it down, read it a time or two, walk away, and then come back for a final edit. That’s how this blog works, just like that. An idea comes into the Bruns-O-Matic and it flows onto the page. But it’s that chance to edit it before I share my thoughts with the public that gives me assurance that I didn’t say something ‘stupid’.

This brings me to just one more prayer. I had this prayer prepared for Sunday’s gathering but forgot to share it with everyone. So here’s my chance.

Lord Jesus, I thank you that you love Suzanne so much that you gave your life for her. I know that you hate what this illness is doing to her and how it affects all those who care for her. I ask, in your name Jesus, that you would provide a healing hand in the coming week and months to give her a life that will continue to shout your praise and glory forever.
John 1:10:21

3 thoughts on “Just one more

  1. Amen! John, you have written a well thought out and lovely prayer! Thank you for sharing with us.
    I believe God surely hears our prayers; and He answers our prayers.
    “If you will believe, all things are possible, to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23) Keep your eyes on Jesus(see Hebrews 12:2); and what He accomplished on the cross.

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