My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Remember that time you sent your kindergartner to school for their first day? The first time your child went on an overnight campout? When your High Schooler left on their Senior Trip? That’s how I felt yesterday as I dropped Suzanne off at a Hospital that’s 100 miles away and drove off into the distance. For the first time since this all began, I won’t be by her side, I won’t be involved in her recovery, won’t hear what the doctors say, won’t be there when she needs to cry. For the first time, I truly have to leave it all in God’s hands.

It has been determined that even though Suzanne’s throat appears to be cancer-free, it is not recovering from all the treatments the way it should. Her tumor was so large and is now no longer there that a gaping hole is left in her throat, an ulcer, that is not healing because every time she swallows, she irritates that area.

Although Suzanne & I both remember how happy we were that day we heard, “the way things are going, you won’t need a feeding tube”. Now, that’s exactly what is going to happen. A Stomach Peg (feeding tube) will be placed which will allow her throat to rest as she gets her nourishment by other means. Hopefully, it is for a short time, but possibly for a couple of months. This inconvenience will hopefully provide Suzanne the chance she needs to heal quickly and completely.

The other issue being addressed during this hospital stay is the grave concern doctors have about an artery in her neck. This major artery is usually protected by substantial throat tissue but was located just behind where the tumor was and is now dangerously exposed. This was discovered last Wednesday during the CT scans which typically aren’t scheduled at this point of recovery (God Wink) and alarms went off in the doctor’s heads that said this was serious.

On Wednesday, as I understand it, a permanent vessel occlusion (correct term?) will be performed which involves blocking flow through that particular artery. Basically, they will re-route Suzanne’s blood flow plumbing which will remove that concern.

Three nights, she will only be away for three nights. That means I still have 9098 nights to be with her.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
Psalm 56:3

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