The Church I Need
Sunday morning is a marvelous time of the week! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and it’s a great day to be alive.
For me, Sunday mornings are a day of lazy awakenings as the world seems to move a little slower, an extra cup of coffee, sometimes a special breakfast, and then Church.
Church is different for everyone; a calling, an obligation, a sense of community, a mental alliance with a higher power, a time of meditation, a time to sing, a time to pray, a time to be one with the Lord.
For me, Church is a hardy handshake from Jim as he opens the door to the building; Smiles and greetings from my church family as we head up the stairs to the sanctuary; A funny comment from Cary as he hands me my bulletin; Roaming the rows saying ‘hi’ to everyone; Seeing that Ellie made it safe another time; Finding my seat even after the minister has already begun; Singing with the emotion I feel for the lord; Scanning the congregation to see who might be missing; Listening intently to the message and how it relates to me; Standing in anticipation of the last song and what is next to come as we prepare to leave: a quick chat with Charlene, a ‘have a good day’ with a stranger, a comical snide remark from Tuty, a hug from Peg (which I will miss immensely), a strong handshake from Butch, helping Dorthory navigate the elevator, and the final goodbyes as I head out the door.
No, you didn’t hear me mention all the typical spiritual parts of church: that close feeling you get to God, a sense of reverence for why you are there, the respect for our country that allows such a gathering, a chance to share in THE family meal. Those are important to me as well, but for me, I can get those most anywhere. My closeness to God doesn’t come from the building, my closeness to God is within.
Since March, I haven’t been to my church. The church I need isn’t open right now. The church that fills my soul with the fellowship that feeds me for the coming week can not be attained at the level I require. Although things got a little more complicated in August for us, someday soon I expect the Church I need so much to open again. When it does, I will be first in line to see everyone I miss so much. My prayer is, that they will be there as well, ready to provide me with the Church I need.
Sing along:
I am the church!
You are the church!
We are the church together!
All who follow Jesus, all around the world!
Yes, we’re the church together!The church is not a building,
the church is not a steeple,
the church is not a resting place,
the church is the people.
One thought on “The Church I Need”
I love this so much. I, too, am really missing you and Suzanne and the rest of my church family. It’s so much more than going to church for a sermon. Praying blessings on you both.