Mario Kart – Chicago
If you have never driven on I-57 north of I-80, or the expressways of Chicago, you haven’t missed much. We have had to drive these roads way more than we want to in the past couple of months.
I can almost tell where I am in relation to the Chicago metropolitan area by what Suzanne is doing in the passenger seat. From home to Kankakee, she tends to be engaged with me in conversation as she enjoys the scenery. From Kankakee to somewhere around Matteson, depending on traffic, she might read or be less concerned about the area outside of our car. But once we hit I-80, Suzanne’s head is down; reading a book, binding a quilt, or working on her applique project. Only occasionally does she look up just in time to wince, lean hard left, and put on her passenger side brakes.
For me, once our car crosses I-80, I announce to Suzanne, ‘It’s time to play Mario Kart’. If you are not familiar with Mario Kart, it is a cartoon type video racing game that features characters from the original Mario Brothers.
I’ve been searching online for some time now where you sign up for this classic game that’s played while driving here in the Chicago area but haven’t found the website yet. There has to be an official place where points you have earned are accumulated for prizes at the end of the game. Even so, I believe I have figured out some of the driving actions you have to accomplish to accumulate points:
- Speed limits – Posted speed limit signs are only a suggestion; points must be assigned to the player passing another player and deducted from the ‘passee’
- Lane Changing – The number of times you change lanes must have a point value. In watching all the other players, there also must be bonus points the more lanes you change in one consecutive move.
- Speed consistency – The longer you can maintain a high rate of speed must have some point value. Waiting till the last possible moment before applying breaks is common in what I assume are accomplished game players.
- Merging traffic – Doing whatever you can to keep other players from entering the racecourse is a good point-getter.
- Changing racecourses – If you are traveling on one racecourse and want to change to another one, points seem to be awarded based on the fewer number of cars ahead of you when you enter the exit lane. If you can wait till the final moment and get someone to let you in, bonus points?
- Turn Signals – Using your turn signals has to deduct points from your accumulated point total based on the signal usage I’ve observed.
- Other Activities – Being able to talk on the phone, eat a sandwich, or any other activity must have some point value; I also assume, hands at 10 & 2 deducts points.
As I continue to learn how to compete on the expressways up here, if I ever get bumped from behind; and that funny bubble music starts to play; as my car tumbles end over end to the side of the road; and I finally land four wheels down; I hope I’m still able to resume the race.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7