The Wall

The Wall

We’ve all been there, that point in a task where you hit a wall and cant’ get any further. Maybe it’s a diet and no matter what you do, you can’t get past a certain weight. Maybe it’s a financial goal of paying off a debt but life’s needs prevent you from reaching it. Maybe it’s a family member whose cold heart you just can’t break through to. I’m sure you can name one in your life right now.

Well over the weekend, Suzanne hit the wall. That point in her treatment plan where her body had to succumb to the extreme damage being done by the radiation. Her wall, the wall of throat pain.

The two most common tasks that sustain our life are breathing and eating. It is the second one that has now become difficult for Suzanne. From now, till weeks after treatment ends, difficulty in swallowing will be the major concern of her Doctors, Nutritionists, Technicians, Therapists, and me. There is no way to stop this progression as the radiation kills both cancer cells and necessary living tissue in her throat.

Imagine the worst sunburn you have ever had, times two. Then imagine that in your throat. Pain medications help, but like any injury to the body, not completely. Talking is also affected, as you can imagine. Like anyone with a sore throat, minimal mouth movement causes less pain, so being close by is best so you can hear her speak with minimal effort.

Additionally, today her Chemotherapy Doctor had discontinued further treatments due to low platelet blood count. He assured us that Suzanne has had the needed amount of the Chemo-drug she was getting to ensure maximum benefit toward success. So she is done with Chemotherapy.

So keeping her spirits up, her attitude positive, her body active, and her relationship with God close has become more important. Now is not the time for family, friends, and prayer warriors to let your guard down. It is now that Suzanne needs you most. Give her a call and you do the talking so she doesn’t have too, stop by and see her when we’re home, send her a card of encouragement. I have seen firsthand how this helps her. All of these personal interactions satisfy her need, the need we all have, that need of feeling loved.

With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love
Ephesians 4:2

2 thoughts on “The Wall

  1. Oh Suzanne so sorry to hear you are in a lot of pain. Praying there is something that can relieve your pain. You have done so well & we know you have given God all the Glory for your wonderful progression so far. And we know God will be w/you in these last 2weeks here, and Earl & I, Ronnie & Elly and our Church Family are all praying for you to tolerate these next couple of weeks. If we could we would gladly take the pain for you. We love you Suzanne & John! I know John is taking great care of you & I know he hurts right along w/you. Lots of love ❤️ Earl & Betty.

  2. I think of you both daily and include you in my prayers. Your faith is strong. I will count the days with you until you are once again home. I always said to my kids that nothing lasts forever. Good days are ahead. God bless..

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