

Multiple times Suzanne has shared with me that her one on one with God has been during that period of time from when her radiation technicians strap her head down to the table and leave the room, till the time they come back. It is that time for her that she doesn’t focus on what is happening at that moment in this world, but for her as the song says, “And the things of earth will grow strangely dim”.

We all have that time when we focus on our Lord. Sometimes it’s for a short period like waiting for the stoplight to change, Other times a little longer as we mow the yard and can’t hear the world around us; for others, its that brief quiet time as we drift off to sleep. Our mind allows us to think about things not of this world.

The real question is, how do we take advantage of that time with God? Is it filled with all the personal requests we have for, more time with family, a little rain, better finances, improved health?

Or do we spend that time with requests for others? Peace to someone who has lost a spouse; Doctors to discover the health issues with a friend; Acceptance for those dealing with a failing loved one; Strength for someone who has become a fulltime caregiver for their spouse.

In Suzanne’s case, she has been praying for forgiveness, something we should all consider more often. And I don’t mean forgiveness for what we can identify as things we have done, like: become excessively angry when we shouldn’t have; gave a ‘snarky’ remark to a clerk in a store for following the rules they’ve been given; honking the horn at someone because they were driving safely but slowing us down.

That’s not the forgiveness I’m speaking, but the ability to forgive those who have somehow wronged us over the years and we still hold onto that grudge: Personal comments made in a meeting that hurt your feelings; loss of something that was caused by another; failure of a relationship due to unforeseen circumstances.

Forgiving others is one of the hardest things we as Christians have to do. But, we have no choice as we are specifically instructed to do so.

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 6:14-15

One thought on “Forgiveness

  1. Wow! This really hit home for me today. Thank you for your thoughts & words that I feel are from the heart of God to my heart.

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