Day 64
Home on the farm for the weekend, today is just what we need, an uneventful day.
Out to the barn to check on the 6-week old kittens. Only two in this litter, both are very large for their age as mom has had plenty to feed them. Usually, by this point, they come running to us because of our daily feeding them warm milk, but these two don’t know us.
Colder weather has dictated we start the process of moving the tropical plants we have in our garden indoors. The first decision to be made is: have they been as unique and pretty as we expected? If so: Clean the pot, spray for bugs, trim them back, and put them in the garage. If not: well it’s off to the compost bin. It’s ‘a hard row to hoe’ for plants in our garden.
Early afternoon, we headed our separate ways. Suzanne, up to her sewing studio where she turns on the PBR Rodeo and proceeded to quilt on her current project. I headed out to the woodshop for a while, putting away all the tools that have been hurridly dropped where they were last used, all in preparation for projects to be completed this winter. Also worked on some sewing machines that had been dropped off for repair this week.
Our usual late afternoon swing on the front porch didn’t happen today as temps were cooler and the breeze didn’t help any either. An unexpected visit from a church family member brought fresh soup; a staple for Suzanne’s diet in the coming weeks. After supper, sundown came earlier than we wanted so not much else could be done outside.
This evening, we decided to watch a Hallmark Movie. Before it starts, we both know the plot: Boy meets girl by accident; Couple eventually has fight over some misunderstanding; then in the last 10 minutes, couple realizes their mistake and reunite in an obscure place, kiss and the movie ends. Can’t beat a Hallmark Movie when you need to escape your current life with something that ensures a happy ending.
My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.
Isaiah 32:18