Just mowing the yard
Everyday chores, like mowing the yard, are those tasks we usually don’t look forward to. I’m sure the reason is we don’t have a choice when or if it has to be done. Weeding the flower bed, feeding the animals, canning the fall harvest, we are all responsible for these kinds of tasks in our life.
In many cases, we each have our assigned (or sometimes, assumed) responsibilities around the house. Someone cooks, someone makes sure the car has gas, someone takes out the garbage, we have all shared in the burdons of daily life with a partner, each with their own duty to the unit as a whole.
But what happens when the other half of this arrangement isn’t able to assist? Who steps up and takes charge of what needs to be done? The spouse? Other family members? Friends? In our case, it’s a variety of people. One of our neighbors is making sure our mail gets collected every day so it’s easily available when we get home for the weekend. Another good friend is making sure our yard is mowed in a timely fashion. Someone else just showed up the other day to tidy up the yard when we weren’t expecting it.
All of the assistance we are getting is overwhelming to us. Not being able to be home is stressful enough but not having to worry about some of the little things is a huge relief. So a big thanks to anyone & everyone who is pitching in to make our life a little easier during our time in Chicago.
Oh, and by the way, I mowed the yard today! I had to just do one of those chores that I never look forward to, just to feel like I had some control of my life.
Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
Philippians 2:14-15