How did we get here

How did we get here

I started writing about our journey the day we found out that Suzanne had cancer, but you might not know how we got to that point. Let’s just say we both believe the hand of God pushed many people in our direction.

Back in January, the Parkland Dental school noticed that Suzanne had a small bump on the side of her neck just below the jawline. Checking in with the local clinic, they believed it was just a swollen gland and gave her a prescription.

Off to Florida to visit Justin, then back home in time for COVID to hit. It wasn’t until early July that Suzanne decided to have her annual checkup. Needing blood work, it was the visit to have a blood draw that we had our first God Wink. The technician noticed that a Thyroid test wasn’t ordered so she added one.

During the visit back at the clinic, it was commented that her thyroid test came back a little high so a prescription was ordered. Suzanne asked about the little bump on her neck and it was again assumed that it was just a swollen gland of some type but it was decided to have a sonogram to check it out.

July 23, Suzanne had a Sonagram at Gibson Hospital. After it was read, it was suggested that she have a Cat Scan which was scheduled for the next week on the 30th. Additionally, an appointment was scheduled with a Dr at Gibson on Saturday, August 1st, which we thought was unusual for a Saturday.

It was at the Cat Scan that the second God Wink happened. When Suzanne was called back they informed her there was a problem and Suzanne immediately called me back. As it turned out, the orders were written wrong and they couldn’t get in contact with her Doctor as the office was closed. Fortunately for us, we live in a small town; even more fortunate is that Suzanne’s Doctor is our nearest neighbor; and beyond that, she picked up the phone when I called. I handed my cell phone to the technician and said, here, work it out cause this is getting done today.

Our next God Wink occurred on Saturday the 1st. We met a new Doctor who visits every other week in Gibson, specializing in head, nose & throat issues. After a brief look in her throat, he indicated that Suzanne had a large mass in her throat. With that, this man who I have now known for 15 minutes proceeded to write his personal cell phone # down on a piece of paper and told me to text him on Monday when I called his office so he could arrange everything with the receptionist. Who does that?

Cliff Notes version of the next week; Monday we were at Rush Hospital in Oak Park, the home of the Doctor we saw on Saturday. Blood work, X-Ray, and EKG were all performed in less than an hour and then off to the office where he performed another scope. Tuesday, was the biopsy, where the Doctor and the Pathologist both agreed that it was cancer, no need to wait the typical 10 days for the final report. So from there, a Pet Scan was scheduled for that next Friday.

Looking back, it was 16 days from the 1st contact of a sonogram to the completion of the Pet scan, and only 9 days to complete the Cat Scan, Biopsy, & Pet Scan. Some world records? Might be close, but it was a real miracle in my book!

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

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