T Minus 26
Hurray, it’s Friday! Suzanne is in treatment but we are heading home as soon as we can. Our plan is to come home on weekends as long as it is possible.
Fridays are the days we meet with her Speech Therapist so we can’t get out of Dodge quite as quickly as we would like. His job is not what we expected as it has nothing to do with speech. His efforts are to ensure that Suzanne will be able to swallow as treatments continue to destroy her throat.
She now has 3 exercises for swallowing, who knew? Just as if you were laid up in bed for an extended period of time and your leg muscles forget how to walk, her therapist wants to be sure her throat continues to swallow properly and avoid aspirating food or liquid into the lungs.
Home by 10 am, it was a damp and dreary morning. We picked Roma tomatoes as Suzanne wanted to put up Salsa. A quick lunch, then it was off to a friend’s house who has been having telephone issues. I wasn’t able to solve the problem so we had to call the company.
Bills keep trickling in and unfortunately, that took about an hour to solve. I’m sure you know that just because you have something done at a hospital, her biopsy, in this case, there are multiple agencies involved; anesthesia, pathology, hospital, doctor, I’m sure I’m forgetting someone like the coffee delivery company. Anyway, they all have to bill from each independent office and that just adds to the paperwork. So far, it’s all being paid my Medi-Share and I’m pretty happy.
As a final thought, today being September 11th brings to mind the attack on our country 19 years ago. We both remembered today that we were in our ‘old’ kitchen talking with a contractor about building a sunroom when it was happening. You can’t help but still feel for the families who were totally unprepared and lost loved ones in that event.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
One thought on “T Minus 26”
It was so good to see you two for a few minutes yesterday!! Thanks for backing up to say hi ….