I need a Personal Assistant

I need a Personal Assistant

I’ve only been at this 2 weeks and the process of keeping track of all the people, places, appointments, and future schedules is becoming ‘mind-boggling’ Yesterday alone we were introduced to 4 new doctors, 3 new nurses, 2 new social workers and a partridge in a pear tree.

This morning, I spent quite a bit of time just going through all the notes I made yesterday, business cards we were given, brochures, pamphlets, copied papers . . . . . What’s really important? What might become important? What does some of this paperwork even mean?

I tend to be a pretty organized guy despite what my wife might tell you. Generally, I can put my finger on something within an allotted amount of time and a few good ‘God winks’. Putting all this information in my phone is my next task as we both know at some point we will need it. This is a task where a ‘Personal Assistant’ could come in handy. ‘Hey Scarlett’, categorize all my doctor contacts for me; ‘Hey Scarlett’, put all our upcoming appointments on the calendar and synchronize that with Suzanne’s calendar; ‘Hey Scarlett’, arrange for lodging the weeks we need to be in Chicago.

Then I hear, ‘Hey John’, can you go pick a tomato for supper? Well, at least one of us has a Personal Assistant.

Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.
Psalm 54:4

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