The Diagnosis

The Diagnosis

Today we met with a Dr who specializes in throat surgery. The diagnosis was ‘Squamous Cell Carcinoma’ which at this point they believe was caused by the HPV virus (the same virus that causes most cervical cancer) He shared that this is the most common throat cancer they see these days. He also explained that there is one result from the biopsy left to confirm that diagnosis. If it’s not the HPV type, the treatment would remain the same, just the outcome not as optimistic.

Through our conversation, he explained that this tumor was too large and encompassed too many vital parts of the throat to operate. Additionally, it is believed that the best treatment for this would be Chemotherapy and radiation. And with that, he had already set us up appointments in the Cancer Center at Rush.

Through the maze of buildings, we trekked to our next appointment with the Dr specializing in Chemotherapy. After all the pleasantries and sharing Suzanne’s story from the beginning, he explained his treatment plan; 7 weekly treatments of Chemo that should weaken the tumor significantly so that the radiation can do its work. Of course, we got the standard TV disclaimer at the end that…. this may cause fatigue, nausea, Pneumopathy (had to look that one up), kidney issues, and hearing loss.

Next, we saw the Radiation Dr. His proposed treatment is 7 weeks of daily radiation specific to the location where the tumor is. This is the serious part of the treatment. Suzanne will start off with what is like a sever sunburn both outside but also inside her throat which will become more serious as the weeks go on to the point that eating will become very difficult. She stands to lose her sense of taste, have dry mouth due to damage to salivary glands and potential teeth issues.

This is all proposed to start on August 31. We are still digesting it all as to the logistics of the treatments. As an example, on Mondays when Chemo (5.5hrs) is held in conjunction with Radiations (1hr) plus the drive, well you do the math.

The bottom line, all the Dr’s indicated that they have had good success with this treatment on the HPV type of cancer. If this is what they say we should do, then we (I’m mean Suzanne) says she’s going to do it. “It’s only 35 treatments and I can count that backward pretty easy,” she said.

Indications are she should be 50% back to normal about 6 weeks after treatment / and 80% normal after another 6 weeks; just in time for the Christmas season. I look forward to that birthday celebration this year.

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14

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